About PHPSnippet

PHPSnippet is run by a team of enthusiastic coders and webmasters that want to make the lives of PHP coders around the world easier.

With the help of our website you can view PHP code snippets in an instant and save valuable time when working on your PHP projects.

Feel free to reach out to our team via the contact page if you have any feedback or questions.

The first snippet...

After continuously struggling with the same lines of codes, Steve decided to create a little app on his command line that would save all of his code snippets.

When Steve met Susan, Bogdan and Matt (the fellow coders behind PHPSnippet) at one of their previous startups, they all loved his idea of saving frequently used code snippets.

The four friends then went off to work on the first version of PHPSnippet. The first snippet saved on the website was:

echo (new DateTime('@0'))->add(new DateInterval("PT6000S"))->format('h:i');

The website was born and is growing ever since!