shell errors running php exec
PHP Snippet 1:
me@snip:~$ ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 16 2017 /bin/sh -> dash
PHP Snippet 2:
if [[ ! -r "$1" ]] || [[ ! -r "$2" ]]; then
printf "File not found\n" >&2
exit 1
comm -12 <(cut -d ',' -f2 "$1"| sort) <(cut -d ',' -f2 "$2"| sort)
PHP Snippet 3:
$E7Bonded_File = escapeshellarg("/opt/IBM/custom/NAC_Dslam/junk/PortParameter_E7_Bonded_cust_stats.csv");
$E7Single_File = escapeshellarg("/opt/IBM/custom/NAC_Dslam/junk/PortParameter_E7_Single_cust_stats.csv");
//only do this once, with old single/bonded filenames. This will be a list to add to the existing Common file.
exec ("/usr/local/bin/your_script.sh $E7Single_File $E7Bonded_File", $outputCommon);
PHP Snippet 4:
comm -12 <(cut -d ',' -f2 junk/PortParameter_E7_Single_cust_stats.csv| sort) <(cut -d ',' -f2 junk/PortParameter_E7_Bonded_cust_stats.csv| sort)
^-- SC2039: In POSIX sh, process substitution is undefined.
PHP Snippet 5:
exec('/bin/bash -c " command "', $stdOut);
PHP Snippet 6:
$a = 'Hello substitution';
var_dump(shell_exec("bash -c 'cat <(echo $a)'"));
PHP Snippet 7:
string(19) "Hello substitution