PHP's array_map including keys
PHP Snippet 1:
$test_array = array("first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value");
array_walk($test_array, function(&$a, $b) { $a = "$b loves $a"; });
// array(2) {
// ["first_key"]=>
// string(27) "first_key loves first_value"
// ["second_key"]=>
// string(29) "second_key loves second_value"
// }
PHP Snippet 2:
function mymapper($arrayparam, $valuecallback) {
$resultarr = array();
foreach ($arrayparam as $key => $value) {
$resultarr[] = $valuecallback($key, $value);
return $resultarr;
$test_array = array("first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value");
$new_array = mymapper($test_array, function($a, $b) { return "$a loves $b"; });
// array(2) {
// [0]=>
// string(27) "first_key loves first_value"
// [1]=>
// string(29) "second_key loves second_value"
// }
PHP Snippet 3:
$states = array('az' => 'Arizona', 'al' => 'Alabama');
array_map(function ($short, $long) {
return array(
'short' => $short,
'long' => $long
}, array_keys($states), $states);
// produces:
array('short' => 'az', 'long' => 'Arizona'),
array('short' => 'al', 'long' => 'Alabama')
PHP Snippet 4:
function array_map_assoc(callable $f, array $a) {
return array_column(array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a), 1, 0);
PHP Snippet 5:
$ordinals = [
'first' => '1st',
'second' => '2nd',
'third' => '3rd',
$func = function ($k, $v) {
return ['new ' . $k, 'new ' . $v];
var_dump(array_map_assoc($func, $ordinals));
PHP Snippet 6:
array(3) {
["new first"]=>
string(7) "new 1st"
["new second"]=>
string(7) "new 2nd"
["new third"]=>
string(7) "new 3rd"
PHP Snippet 7:
function array_map_assoc_partial(callable $f) {
return function (array $a) use ($f) {
return array_column(array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a), 1, 0);
$my_mapping = array_map_assoc_partial($func);
PHP Snippet 8:
function array_map_assoc(callable $f, array $a) {
return array_merge(...array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a));
PHP Snippet 9:
function array_map_assoc(callable $f, array $a) {
return array_reduce(array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a), function (array $acc, array $a) {
return $acc + $a;
}, []);
PHP Snippet 10:
$ordinals = [
'first' => '1st',
'second' => '2nd',
'third' => '3rd',
$func = function ($k, $v) {
return ['new ' . $k => 'new ' . $v];
var_dump(array_map_assoc($func, $ordinals));
PHP Snippet 11:
$test_array = ["first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value"];
$array_map_assoc = function (callable $f, array $a) {
return array_column(array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a), 1, 0);
$f = function ($key, $value) {
return [$key, $key . ' loves ' . $value];
var_dump(array_values($array_map_assoc($f, $test_array)));
PHP Snippet 12:
$test_array = ["first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value"];
$array_map_assoc = function (callable $f, array $a) {
return array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a);
$f = function ($key, $value) {
return $key . ' loves ' . $value;
var_dump($array_map_assoc($f, $test_array));
PHP Snippet 13:
$array = [
'category1' => 'first category',
'category2' => 'second category',
$new = array_map(function($key, $value) {
return "{$key} => {$value}";
}, array_keys($array), $array);
PHP Snippet 14:
$test_array = array("first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value");
function($key) use ($test_array) { return "$key loves ${test_array[$key]}"; },
PHP Snippet 15:
function array_map2(callable $f, array $a)
return array_map($f, array_keys($a), $a);
PHP Snippet 16:
$test_array = array("first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value");
var_dump(array_map2(function($a, $b) { return "$a loves $b"; }, $test_array));
PHP Snippet 17:
$myArray = [
"key0" => 0,
"key1" => 1,
"key2" => 2
function ($intVal) {
return strval($intVal);
PHP Snippet 18:
array(3) {
string(1) "0"
string(1) "1"
string(1) "2"
PHP Snippet 19:
function map($array, callable $fn) {
foreach ($array as $k => &$v) $v = call_user_func($fn, $k, $v);
return $array;
PHP Snippet 20:
function map($array, callable $fn = null) {
return array_map($fn, array_keys($array), $array);
PHP Snippet 21:
function array_map_associative(callable $callback, $array) {
/* map original array keys, and call $callable with $key and value of $key from original array. */
return array_map(function($key) use ($callback, $array){
return $callback($key, $array[$key]);
}, array_keys($array));
PHP Snippet 22:
$test_array = [
"first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value",
$x_result = (function(array $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
yield "$key loves $value";
// array(2) {
// [0]=>
// string(27) "first_key loves first_value"
// [1]=>
// string(29) "second_key loves second_value"
// }
PHP Snippet 23:
function xmap(callable $cb, array $arr)
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
yield $cb($key, $value);
xmap(function($a, $b) { return "$a loves $b"; }, $test_array)
PHP Snippet 24:
array_map(function($key, $value) {
return [$key => $value];
}, array_keys($my_array), $my_array);
PHP Snippet 25:
$test_array = array("first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value");
$result_array = array();
function($a, $b) use (&$result_array)
{ $result_array[] = "$b loves $a"; },
PHP Snippet 26:
function array_map_($callback, $arr) {
if (!is_callable($callback))
return $arr;
$result = array_walk($arr, function(&$value, $key) use ($callback) {
$value = call_user_func($callback, $key, $value);
if (!$result)
return false;
return $arr;
PHP Snippet 27:
$test_array = array("first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value");
var_dump(array_map_(function($key, $value){
return $key . " loves " . $value;
}, $arr));
PHP Snippet 28:
array (
'first_key' => 'first_key loves first_value,
'second_key' => 'second_key loves second_value',
PHP Snippet 29:
array_values(array_map_(function($key, $value){
return $key . " loves " . $value;
}, $test_array))
PHP Snippet 30:
$mapped_array = from($test_array)
->select(function ($v, $k) { return "$k loves $v"; })
PHP Snippet 31:
$mapped_iterator = from($test_array)->select('"$k loves $v"');
PHP Snippet 32:
* @param array $array
* @param callable $callback
* @return array
function arrayMap(array $array, callable $callback)
$newArray = [];
foreach( $array as $key => $value )
$newArray[] = call_user_func($callback, $value, $key, $array);
return $newArray;
PHP Snippet 33:
$testArray = [
"first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value"
arrayMap($testArray, function($value, $key) {
return $key . ' loves ' . $value;
PHP Snippet 34:
array(2) {
string(27) "first_key loves first_value"
string(29) "second_key loves second_value"
PHP Snippet 35:
$test_array = [
"first_key" => "first_value",
"second_key" => "second_value"
$f = function($ar) {
return array_map(
function($key, $val) {
return "{$key} - {$val}";
#-- WITHOUT preserving keys
$res = $f($test_array);
#-- WITH preserving keys
$res = array_combine(
PHP Snippet 36:
function array_map_assoc(){
if(func_num_args() < 2) throw new \BadFuncionCallException('Missing parameters');
$args = func_get_args();
$callback = $args[0];
if(!is_callable($callback)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('First parameter musst be callable');
$arrays = array_slice($args, 1);
array_walk($arrays, function(&$a){
$a = (array)$a;
$results = array();
$max_length = max(array_map('count', $arrays));
$arrays = array_map(function($pole) use ($max_length){
return array_pad($pole, $max_length, null);
}, $arrays);
for($i=0; $i < $max_length; $i++){
$elements = array();
foreach($arrays as &$v){
$elements[] = each($v);
$out = call_user_func_array($callback, $elements);
if($out === null) continue;
$val = isset($out[1]) ? $out[1] : null;
$results[$out[0]] = $val;
$results[] = $val;
return $results;