How should I get started using PHPUnit as a testing framework for a bunch of functions and classes I have already made?
PHP Snippet 1:
---- string.php ----
class String
//contains the internal data
var $data;
// constructor
function String($data) {
$this->data = $data;
// creates a deep copy of the string object
function copy() {
// adds another string object to this class
function add($string) {
// returns the formated string
function toString($format) {
PHP Snippet 2:
---- testcase.php ----
require_once 'string.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit.php';
class StringTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase
// contains the object handle of the string class
var $abc;
// constructor of the test suite
function StringTest($name) {
// called before the test functions will be executed
// this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten
// here
function setUp() {
// create a new instance of String with the
// string 'abc'
$this->abc = new String("abc");
// called after the test functions are executed
// this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten
// here
function tearDown() {
// delete your instance
// test the toString function
function testToString() {
$result = $this->abc->toString('contains %s');
$expected = 'contains abc';
$this->assertTrue($result == $expected);
// test the copy function
function testCopy() {
$abc2 = $this->abc->copy();
$this->assertEquals($abc2, $this->abc);
// test the add function
function testAdd() {
$abc2 = new String('123');
$result = $this->abc->toString("%s");
$expected = "abc123";
$this->assertTrue($result == $expected);
PHP Snippet 3:
---- stringtest.php ----
require_once 'testcase.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit.php';
$suite = new PHPUnit_TestSuite("StringTest");
$result = PHPUnit::run($suite);
echo $result -> toString();
PHP Snippet 4:
TestCase stringtest->testtostring() failed: expected true, actual false
TestCase stringtest->testcopy() failed: expected , actual Object
TestCase stringtest->testadd() failed: expected true, actual false
PHP Snippet 5:
---- string.php ----
class String
//contains the internal data
var $data;
// constructor
function String($data) {
$this->data = $data;
// creates a deep copy of the string object
function copy() {
$ret = new String($this->data);
return $ret;
// adds another string object to this class
function add($string) {
$this->data = $this->data.$string->toString("%ss");
// returns the formated string
function toString($format) {
$ret = sprintf($format, $this->data);
return $ret;
PHP Snippet 6:
php -f stringtest.php
TestCase stringtest->testtostring() passed
TestCase stringtest->testcopy() passed
TestCase stringtest->testadd() failed: expected true, actual false
PHP Snippet 7:
$this->data = $this->data.$string->toString("%s");
PHP Snippet 8:
php -f stringtest.php
TestCase stringtest->testtostring() passed
TestCase stringtest->testcopy() passed
TestCase stringtest->testadd() passed
PHP Snippet 9:
// you will have to write your own class here that collects the tests
$collector = new Unit_Test_Collector();
$suite = $collector->getSuite();
//$config is an array of phpunit config options
PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite, $config);