How do I pass the dynamic output of a php variable or php function to a CSS variable?
PHP Snippet 1:
<div id="myid"><?php produces-a-string() ?></div>
PHP Snippet 2:
#myid {
display: none;
PHP Snippet 3:
document.onload = function() {
var grab = document.getElementById("myid");
var strText = grab.innerText;
grab.setProperty("--grabbed", strText);
PHP Snippet 4:
#myid {
display: none;
--grabbed: string-produced;
PHP Snippet 5:
main {
attribute: var(--grabbed);
PHP Snippet 6:
main {
attribute: string-produced;
PHP Snippet 7:
document.onload = function() {
var grab = document.getElementById("myid");
var strText = grab.innerText;
document.getElementBy[id-where-content-is-added].setAttribute("title", strText);
PHP Snippet 8:
#id-where-content-is-added {
content: attr(title);
PHP Snippet 9:
#id-where-content-is-added {
content: string-produced;