How can I make a full text index of the column?

PHP Snippet 1:

DB::statement('ALTER TABLE News ADD FULLTEXT search(title, description)');

PHP Snippet 2:

$table->engine = 'MyISAM'; // means you can't use foreign key constraints

PHP Snippet 3:

$q = Input::get('query');

->whereRaw("MATCH(title,description) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)", array($q))

PHP Snippet 4:

if( getenv('DB_CONNECTION') === 'mysql' ) // or something else

PHP Snippet 5:


PHP Snippet 6:

User::whereFullText->('body', 'john doe')->get();

PHP Snippet 7:

public function up()
    Schema::create('news', function (Blueprint $table) {
        // ...
        // ...
        $table->fullText(['title', 'description'])->language('english');

PHP Snippet 8:

News::whereFullText->(['title', 'description'], 'YOUR_QUERY_TEXT')->get();