Exact alternate to mcrypt_encrypt in PHP 7.2

PHP Snippet 1:

    $length = strlen($text);
    $pad = 32 - ($length % 32);
    $text = str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr(0));

PHP Snippet 2:

include "vendor/autoload.php";
include "phpseclib/bootstrap.php";
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib');
use phpseclib\Crypt\Rijndael as Crypt_Rijndael;

$text = '57F0-ECD3-1A3B-341E-BA39-F81B-F020-0DE0';

$secret = 'lkirwf897+22#bbtrm8814z5qq=498j5';

$iv = '741952hheeyy66#cs!9hjv887mxx7@8y';

function encrypt128($secret, $iv, $str)

    return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $secret, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));

function encryptRJ256($key,$iv,$text)
    $cipher = new Crypt_Rijndael('cbc'); 
    // keys are null-padded to the closest valid size
    // longer than the longest key and it's truncated
    // the IV defaults to all-NULLs if not explicitly defined
    $length = strlen($text);
    $pad = 32 - ($length % 32);
    $text = str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr(0));
    return base64_encode($cipher->encrypt($text));
function decryptRJ256($key,$iv,$text)
    $cipher = new Crypt_Rijndael('cbc'); // could use CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC
    // keys are null-padded to the closest valid size
    // longer than the longest key and it's truncated
    // the IV defaults to all-NULLs if not explicitly defined
    return $cipher->decrypt(base64_decode($text)); 

echo $text;
echo encrypt128($secret, $iv, $text);
echo "\n";
$text = encryptRJ256($secret, $iv, $text);
echo $text;
echo "\n";
echo decryptRJ256($secret, $iv, $text);

PHP Snippet 3:

$extra = strlen($data) % 32;
if ($extra) {
    $data.= str_repeat("\0", 32 - $extra);